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Who can do this? Commenters, editors and managers with appropriate roles, and admins.
Once a suggestions has been marked as "Closed", the gray mark connected to it disappears from the circle graph. To find older closed suggestions for a particular element such as a level-4 object or a bundle:
(1) From level 3 or level 4, turn on "Tuning" mode
(2) Click on the orange icon next to the desired element to bring up the "New Suggestion" panel
(3) From the "Suggestion" panel, click the "Make a new suggestion" drop down menu
(4) Select "View closed suggestions"
You can also see closed suggestions by clicking on an existing orange (new, unread) or gray (read) mark. This will open the suggestion in the right panel, where you can click the "Open Suggestions" drop down menu.
Related article: How do I change the status of a suggestion?
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