Also answers:
- Do I have to manually create courses?
- Is there an easy way to get a course into my program?
Who is this for? Editors, managers, and admins
The text-file import feature is flexible enough to help you import a variety of text-based curriculum documents (note that there is a separate importing tool for spreadsheet-based curriculum designs). See: How do I build an Excel file for importing an outcome set?
Typically, we build text files for import by starting a syllabus-style document and going through the following steps:
- Save the document (or copy all the text) to a plain-text file format (one that is .txt format)
- Remove all the stuff that is not relevant to Coursetune (classroom policies, grading scales, etc.)
- Make sure the information remaining is roughly organized with general level-4 object info at the top and learning objectives sitting under either the corresponding bundles or c-layer elements.
- Add # codes in front of the information you'd like to bring into Coursetune.
Add Level-4 Object Information
At the top of the text file, you'll want information about the level-4 object . At the beginning of each new line of level-4 object information, type the code that tells Coursetune what the information is:
- #C Level-4 object name (required)
- #CD Level-4 object description
- #CN Level-4 object number
- #CC Level-4 object credits (number of credits, partial credits are acceptable; for example, 0.5)
- #BR or #BR #BR (Adds a single or double line break in between text in course description panel, bundle descriptions, and c-layer descriptions)
- #TAG Used to add tags to course information (if multiple tags, use a comma in between
Here's an example of what the general Course (level-4 object) information looks like if you have all pieces of information:
#C Intro to Psychology
#CD #BR #BR (From Lumen Learning) This course provides coverage for the broad range of learning outcomes that may be taught in introductory psychology courses. #BR With the goal of supporting faculty in the selection of content for their courses, we have organized this course around the 5 pillars, or domains, of psychology as recently recommended by the APA: #BR biological pillar #BR cognitive pillar #BR developmental pillar #BR social and personality pillar #BR mental and physical health pillar.
#CN PYS 100
#CC 3
#TAG online,fall2021,Psychology
#TAG online, fall2021, Psychology
Next, you'll list the learning objectives categorized by either bundles or c-layers. It will vary by level-4 object, but often when the course document is a syllabus, the organization will be by bundles.
Add Bundles and Learning Objectives
For this article, we'll show you how to build the text import file as if the learning objectives are organized by bundles. You may have just the name of the bundle (which is all that is required), but additional information can also be imported:
- #BT Bundle title (required)
- #BL Bundle long description
- #BR or #BR #BR (Adds a line break in between text in bundle descriptions- added directly in front of text inside the paragraph.)
- #BID Bundle ID
- #LO Learning Objective (code optional)
- #LD LO detail (sits on line directly under an LO)
After the bundle information, just list the learning objectives underneath. If it makes more sense, you may add the code #LO before each one, but this is optional. Make sure each learning objective starts on its own line. Make sure that LO details sit directly under the LOs it belongs to.
Learning Objectives - Simple Format
Here's an example of what a single bundle with its list of learning objectives might look like:
#BT Memory and Learning
Explain the process of memory.
Explain and give examples of forgetting and memory failure.
Recognize and apply memory-enhancing strategies.
Describe latent learning and observational learning.
Explain operant conditioning, reinforcement, and punishment.
Explain learning and the process of classical conditioning.
Of course, you might have more information to share about the bundle, so it could look like this:
#BT Memory and Learning
#BL This week students will learn about memory and learning.
#BID PSY 100-W7
#LO Explain the process of memory.
#LO Explain and give examples of forgetting and memory failure.
#LO Recognize and apply memory-enhancing strategies.
#LO Describe latent learning and observational learning.
#LO Explain operant conditioning, reinforcement, and punishment.
#LO Explain learning and the process of classical conditioning.
Learning Objectives With IDs
If you have IDs for each learning objective, you can put those on the end of each learning objective after an #ID code.
#BT Memory and Learning
#BL This week students will learn about memory and learning.
#BID PSY 100-W7
Explain the process of memory. #ID PYS100-W7-01
Explain and give examples of forgetting and memory failure. #ID PSY100-W7-02
Recognize and apply memory-enhancing strategies. #ID PSY100-W7-03
Describe latent learning and observational learning. #ID PSY100-W7-04
Explain operant conditioning, reinforcement, and punishment. #ID PSY100-W7-05
Explain learning and the process of classical conditioning. #ID PSY100-W7-06
Learning Objectives With LO Details
#BT Psychological Foundations
#BL This week students will learn about psychological foundations.
#BID PSY 100-W1
Describe the evolution of psychology and the major pioneers in the field. #ID PSY100-W1-01
#LD Wundt
#LD Freud
#LD Titchener
#LD Wertheimer
#LD Skinner
#LD James
#LD Watson
Identify the various approaches, fields, and subfields of psychology along with their major concepts and important figures. #ID PSY100-W1-02
#LD biological
#LD psychodynamic
#LD behavioral
#LD cognitive
#LD humanistic
Describe the value of psychology and possible careers paths for those who study psychology. #ID PSY100-W1-03
#LD Case manager
#LD Rehabilitation specialist
#LD Psychiatric technician
#LD Human Resource manager
#LD Business administration
#LD Top- or mid-level management
#LD School Counselor
Add C-layer
The codes are very similar to the bundle codes, but use the letter "C" instead of the letter "B":
- #CT C-layer element title (required)
- #CL C-layer element long description
- #BR or #BR #BR (Adds a line break in between text in C-layer descriptions- added directly in front of text inside the paragraph.)
- #CID C-layer element ID
- #LO Learning Objective (code optional)
- #LD LO detail (sits on line directly under an LO)
Here is an example of what one c-layer element might look like at the top or bottom of the text file:
#CT Psychological Concepts & Principles
#CL Apply psychological concepts and principles to their own lives and experiences. #BR Concept 1 #BR Concept 2 #BR Concept 3
#CID PSY-100-CM-1
Can I Import Activities (Lessons and Assessments) too? Yes!
Many level-4 object imports end here, but if you do have activities and assessments to import, you certainly can. Here is a separate article to learn how,
Here are some examples of text files built for import:
- 1- A simplified version of the level-4 object data with no LOs, LO details or activities
- 2- A version of the level-4 object data with LOs and some LO details
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