If you are adding a new user to Coursetune, you may want to add the “Guided Course” for them to start with. It will teach them the names of things and give them a basic course structure to edit. Directions about C-layers (Course Goals, CLOs, etc.), bundles (Modules, Units, etc.) and learning objectives (LOs) are available on this example course.
Here are some articles that you may want to check out:
- Why does Coursetune have two course design layers?
- Coursetune Answers What, When, Why and How of Learning
- How is the Coursetune interface organized?
Note: If you need directions on how to add a Guided Course, scroll to the end of this article.
First, start exploring! As you are clicking, notice the Descriptions panel in the bottom right corner of your browser window to see the full details each time you click on an object.
*Note, each time you add a new course, you can start with a fresh Guided Course, so don't be afraid to practice on this first one as you read.
Everything you see in the Guided Course is editable. Turn on "Edit" mode to add your own information in the fields you see. We'll walk you through 5 steps here.
1. Edit Course
A good place to start is to edit the course information. Do that by selecting the center of the course and clicking the "pencil" icon. This opens the "Edit Course" panel. From there, add your information. Begin with the course name, move on to the description, and so forth through the fields.
2. Add C-layers and Bundles
Next, consider adding information to the C-layers and/or bundles.
Your C-layer is where you will put statements about "What students will learn." These are the main course goals. Look for the mountain summit icon in the bottom left corner of your browser. Ask yourself, "What 4-7 outcomes do I want my students to remember a year after completing the course?" C-layers are often called Course Goals, Course Learning Outcomes, Course Learning Objectives. There are many terms to choose from in the edit course panel.
You bundle layer is where you will put statements about "When students will learn it." These create the sequence for the content, lessons, and assessments as the students progress through the course. Look for the sequence of books icon in the bottom left corner of your browser. Bundles are often called Modules, Units, Weeks, Topics. There are many terms to choose from in the edit course panel.
Refer to these articles:
You can add more C-layers and bundles as you brainstorm and plan by clicking the "+" near the bottom bar (while in "Edit" mode). You can also delete them by clicking on the C-layer or bundle title and then clicking on the edit pencil that will appear next to the smaller circle.
3. Add Learning Objectives
As you build or after you build C-layers and bundles, you can create learning objectives. For more information on what learning objectives are, read this article:
Once you have added a learning objective, you can customize the abbreviation you see when the LOs are collapsed (think, spokes on a wheel). Here, you can also identify the depth of knowledge if you're using a scale such as Bloom's Taxonomy. Read this article on which scales are in Coursetune for you:
When a learning objective is created on one layer of the course, it will appear on the other layer as an "Orphaned LO". Read this article for more information:
To give your orphans a home, drag and drop it into the C-layer or bundle where it belongs. This is how CourseTune will create for you the alignment views and reports to understand the C-layer to Bundle relationship (think, CLO to Module). In other words, "What students are learning" and "When students are learning it."
4. Check the Alignment Structure As You Go
At this point, even before you create activities and assessments, you can start checking the alignment to make sure it's coming together as you expect. Adjustments here will save you significant time as you plan activity and assessment, which will then save you significant time when you're ready to create content in your Learning Management System.
Explore the visualizations by turning things on and off. See if you can figure out how to,
A. See when and how often students will encounter each course goal
B. See which course goals are covered during each week, unit or module
C. See the scaffolding of learning objectives by course goal
D. See the scaffolding of learning objectives by sequence
Explore these Course Level Reports for additional insights,
5. Build Activities and Assessments
Your course maps may or may not require including activities and assessments. For that reason, you can continue this last step over here on this other article,
Keep on rolling with your courses!
Once you have the hang of building a course, you can now add more to your program (level-3 folder).
Need a fresh copy of the Coursetune Guided Course?
Navigate to your desired program (level 3) and turn on Edit mode. Click the plus sign + next to the bottom of the screen to open the Add Course panel. Click on Copy, and then select Insert Guided Course.
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