Also answers:
- Can I get mapping details about a specific Outcome Set at the program level (Level 3)?
- Can I run a report with only certain courses in a program?
Once courses (level-4 objects) have been added to a program (level-3 folder) and each one is connected to an outcome set, you may ask: how does this set of courses meet the outcomes for this program? Use this report to evaluate the mapping for gaps, opportunities, and reporting on various standards. The program mappings report communicates evidence of meeting program goals. Use this report to assess the connections between an outcome set and a collection of courses. This report is a favorite for reporting on benchmarks or program standards. There's no need to wait until everything is all mapped to run this report. It can be helpful to run this report while mapping is in progress to check the alignment of the courses to the outcomes.
Used by: All groups
This program report can answer questions such as:
- Are the program level goals the right goals?
- Are the goals specific to the program?
- Do they apply to all courses within the program? Which courses are the exception and why?
- Are goals clear, measurable, and effectively structured?
- Is the number of goals effective and manageable?
- What other learning outcome statements appear in courses that are not included?
- Where do these outcomes appear throughout the courses?
- Are there any gaps or missing elements at this level?
- Describe their distribution across the program. Where do they occur? Where do there appear to be gaps?
- How do they align to course level statements, weeks, assignments
(assessments), evaluation criteria? - Is there any redundancy? Is the redundancy intentional or confusing?
- How are outcomes scaffolded throughout the program?
- Where is each outcome introduced, reinforced, mastered?
Show Outcomes in Rows and Courses in Columns option:
Step 1: First, you need to start at the program level (level 3). Next, click on Reports in the right panel, and select Program Mappings Report.
Step 2: In the Program Mappings Report customizations menu, click the drop-down menu to choose the desired outcome set. In this menu, you can also choose to show outcomes in rows and courses in columns, and choose any outcome scales mapped (or just checkmarks).
You can choose up to four different visualizations:
- Presence or Absence Visualization
- Depth of Coverage Overview (generated by frequency of mappings to COs/bundles)
- Depth of Coverage By Outcome
- Depth of Coverage By Bundle
If you have Outcome IDs and/or sub-outcomes, you can choose to include them in the Presence or Absence Visualization and the Depth of Coverage Overview.
You will also see a notification if there are no outcomes mapped to the program.
You have a choice between showing courses in rows and outcomes in columns (default), or to show outcomes in Rows and Courses in Columns.
Courses in rows and outcomes in columns (default view):
Outcomes in rows and courses in columns:
Step 3: In the Course Selection panel, you can choose to generate the report using All Courses (default), or Select Multiple Courses. This let's you choose certain courses any time you run the report.
You can also choose to Filter Courses by Tags. The default will be all tags selected. Push Clear to deselect all the tags, then choose the ones you want.
If you have Outcome Scales mapped:
You can choose to show the data for outcome scale mappings. Select the desired scales from the drop-down menu.
If you have checkmarks mapped:
If a course contains course variations, the number of variations will be listed next to the course title.
Note: If your report is large, and you choose to check all visualizations at once (using RTF or PDF), the report will need to be broken into a few parts in order to generate.
What to know what other reports are available in Coursetune? Check out this article: What kinds of reports are available in Coursetune?
New to Coursetune and unsure of which report is right for you? Our Reports Wizard simplifies this for you by leading you through a series of questions. To know more about the Reports Wizard, check out this article: How do I use the Reports Wizard?
What to know more information on mappings in Coursetune? Check out these articles:
- Who can create, edit and map outcome sets?
- How can I map outcomes or sub-outcomes to learning objectives?
Want to know all about the Mapping Cascades feature? Take a look!
- Glossary: Mapping Cascades
- How do I create a Mapping Cascade?
- How do I map using Mapping Cascades?
- How do I edit a Mapping Cascade?
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