Also answers:
- How do I add a course, program, division or institution outcome set?
- How do I add a level 4, level 3, level 2, or level 1 outcome set?
An Outcome Set is a collection of outcomes that can be mapped to courses (level-4 objects) through the learning objectives. Outcome sets can be used to track a desired set of skills that learners should gain while completing a course, program (level 3), or degree/certificate. Outcome sets are a flexible layering of information across courses that allows you to track and report on anything you want to. There are many uses: industry standards, accreditation requirements, skills gaps, certification, badges, institutional goals, program-level (school or department) goals, track equipment use or other resources, or track and monitor project workflows.
The outcome mapping visualization in Coursetune is one of the most used features because it enables a team to all look at the same information of how a collection of courses are used to meet goals. They can make more informed decisions at a higher level than before they had Coursetune.
An example use case: Coursetune program managers map and track their program goals by adding Level-3 outcome sets in the Mappings panel. They can use the alignment visualizations and program level reports to then show where these outcomes appear throughout the courses, and if there are any gaps or missing elements at the program level.
Creating the outcome set:
Adding outcomes:
Step 1: To add an outcome set, you must first be on the desired level (1,2,3, or 4). In this example, we will add a program (level 3) outcome set. Make sure Edit mode is turned on. Check that you are in the Mappings panel, and click the plus sign + (next to Mappings) in the top right.
Don't see the plus sign +? Check out this article for role permissions: Who can create, edit and map outcome sets?
Step 2: The Add Outcome Set panel will pop up offering two ways to add an outcome set: import a .txt, .json or .yml file, or add the outcome set by hand.
To add your outcome set manually, add the name of the set (required), description (optional), and ID (optional). Click Add button when done.
Note: You can click on the tool tips (question marks) next to .xlsx and txt to take you to the help articles on building those file types for importing.
Step 3: Once saved, the new outcome set will appear on the right panel. You can now add outcomes and sub-outcomes, which are the skills, goals and/or standards that you want to align to your courses (level-4 objects). To do this, make sure Edit mode is on, and select the newly created outcome set in the right panel. Then, click the Edit Pencil, which is used throughout Coursetune to edit elements.
Step 4: The Mapping Batch Editor will open. To add the first outcome, click on the plus sign +. As with most elements in Coursetune, only a Name is required, while Description and ID are optional.
We recommend that you keep the name short so it is easy to read at a glance in the right panel. You can put the entire statement into the outcome description field.
Note: Institution/Organization (level 1) outcome sets can only be created and edited by Admins, and one of the three designated editors. For more information, read this article: How do I designate editors for Institution (Level 1) Outcome Sets?
Sometimes, outcomes may contain what Coursetune calls sub-outcomes, which roll up into outcomes. You can add these to your outcomes easily through the Mapping Batch Editor in Coursetune. Read this article for directions: How do I create sub-outcomes?
Ready to start aligning your outcomes to courses? Check out this article: How can I map outcomes or sub-outcomes to learning objectives?
Don't want to manually enter in your outcomes? You can build a text file to import the entire set and all outcomes inside, all at once! Check out this article on how to do that: How do I build a text file for importing an outcome set?
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