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Many industries and states have complex sets of standards that have deep nesting hierarchies of outcomes and sub-outcomes, even sub-sub outcomes. Coursetune has three distinct levels of nesting outcomes for mapping. To get the most out of your mapping data, you may need to add sub-outcomes to an outcome set. The decision to create sub-outcomes will depend upon the reporting needs of each organization. This article will show you how to create sub-outcomes to make the most of your mapping. Who can do this? Editors, managers, and admins can make sub-outcomes within outcome sets.
Step 1: As an Editor or Manager, you may want to add sub-outcomes to your outcome sets. First, find the desired outcome set in the right panel, and make sure edit mode is turned on. Click on the outcome set, and then click on the editing pencil.
Don't see the editing pencil? Check this article out for role permissions: Who can create, edit and map outcome sets?
Step 2: The Batch Mapping Editor will open. Click the ellipsis (three dots) next to the desired outcome, and then click on + Add sub-outcome. Please note that outcome and sub-outcome names are a required field, while IDs and descriptions are optional.
All creating and editing of outcomes and sub-outcomes will be in this editor. Clicking the X to close it will auto-save your changes.
Note: You cannot create an empty outcome or sub-outcome, and close the batch editor. The empty ones must be deleted first.
Want to more about outcome sets? Check out this article: How do I create an outcome set?
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