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If you are editing a few outcome sets, and you don't wish to scroll through a big list in the right hand panel, there is a way to see a subset of the outcome sets you are working on. Once you star an outcome set, it will be in the starred collection until you remove it (even if you move to another program or course).
Please note that if your role changes to that of a viewer or commenter, or you navigate to Level 1 or 2, then you will see the full list of outcome sets again.
Step 1: As an Editor or Manager, you can star relevant outcome sets while working in Coursetune. Start at the level 3 or level 4, and select the desired outcome set in the right panel.
Step 2: Click the star icon in the Descriptions panel towards the bottom of the right panel. Select it to add to your list of Starred Outcome Sets.
Step 3: Now, when you select the star icon located next to Mappings in the right panel, only the sets you have starred will show. This makes it easier for you to find your specific sets.
To get rid of a set from the starred list, simply select desired outcome set, and click the star from the Descriptions panel to remove it.
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