Also answers:
- How do I edit c-layers in a variation?
- Can I change the bundles on my variation?
Course Variations are a specific type of course sharing in CourseTune where some types of information are allowed to be edited, while still being dynamically connected to the core elements of the Base Variation that cannot be edited. The Variations feature ensures a consistent curriculum architecture while allowing for the necessary changes caused by different modalities, instructors, learning resources, assessments, and time-frames. Editing the individual variations of a course all happens on the Bundle Layer or delivery side of the course.
On the Bundle layer, different modalities, different sessions, and different activities can be organized around a course that uses the same core goals, the Course Nucleus in the Base Variation. As a CourseTune Editor or Manager, you can create and edit different variations for one course.
Each Course Variation can have:
- a unique set of bundles
- a unique LO arrangement within those bundles (using the LOs from the Base Variation)
- a unique set of activities and assessments
Like a single cell that gets divided into new, but related cells, the Course Nucleus contains the "DNA" of the Base Variation that is consistent in each Variation. The Course Nucleus refers to the elements in a course (level-4 object) Variation that cannot be edited because they are essential or core to the course's design The items that CANNOT be edited in the Course Nucleus are:
- Course name, description, ID, and number of credits
- C-layer type, names, descriptions and IDs
- Learning objectives and arrangement in the C-layer
- Mappings of the learning objectives to any outcome sets
This article includes two editing actions: editing the course variation and editing the name of the variation.
To edit or add elements in a course variation
As an Editor or Manager, the arrangement of the bundles and LOs, and the activities and assessments associated with them might differ from course variation to course variation. You can do all of these types of edits just as you would in a normal course.
Step 1: First, start at the course level (level 4), and make sure Edit Mode is on.
Step 2: Make sure you are on the desired Course Variation. You can get there two different ways:
- Using the drop down menu in the top bar
- Clicking the Variations icon in the right panel
Once on the Bundle Layer of the Course Variation, you will be able to:
- Add or edit bundles
- Rearrange bundles
- Rearrange LOs
- Add or edit activities
- View the c-layers and any mappings (Editing the C-Layer can be performed by Managers and Admins from the Base Variation) For more information, read this article: How do I edit a Base Variation?
To edit a Variation name
Step 1: Make sure you're on the course (can be base or a course variation), and turn on Edit mode. Click on the Variations icon in the right panel, and mouse over the course variation you would like to edit.
Step 2: Click on the three dots (ellipsis) next to the course variation name, and then select Edit from the menu.
Step 3: You can edit the name of the course variation in this panel. You can also change the bundle type, and choose to show bundle labels on the circle graph.
Please note that if the Variations feature is not turned on, the Variations icon in the right panel will be grayed out for viewers, commenters and editors.
For more on the Variations feature, check out these articles:
Curious who is allowed to edit what in a course variation? Check out this article: Who can do what on course (level-4 object) variations?
Heard of an Archived Course, but don't know the difference between an archive and a variation? Here's an article for you: What's the difference between a variation and an archive?
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