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Also answers:
- What if I don't want my projects to be assessments?
- Can I make a learning activity into an assessment?
Every organization, department, and course instructor might have different ideas about whether a particular category is an assessment activity or a learning activity. For example, “Discussion” - is it learning or assessment? In Coursetune, there are multiple places where these settings can but put into place to streamline decision making and reduce inconsistency.
Choosing an activity type as an assessment will include that type in the assessment reports and visualizations on the course (level-4 object) graph.
Program level (Level 3)
Course Level (Level 4)
Settings at Level 3, Program Level
While we have chosen which activity types to default as assessments, Managers with rights to the program (level-3 folder) can change the default settings in the Activity Settings panel for each program or individual course. You can also change the setting to make the choice on an activity-by-activity basis.
Step 1: From the Division level (Level 2), make sure Edit mode is turned on.
Step 2: Mouse over the Program (Level 3), and click on the edit pencil icon.
Step 3: In the Edit Program modal, click on Choose default course activity settings.
In the Program (Level 3) Activity Settings panel, you can choose to make an activity Strictly Assessment, Strictly Learning, or Choose by Activity.
Settings at the Course Level
Editors and Managers with rights to a course (level-4 object) can change the settings on individual courses.
Step 1: From the Course level (Level 4), make sure to be on the bundle side, and that Edit mode is turned on.
Step 2: Click on the Activities icon in the right panel, and then click on the activity settings gear.
Step 3: You can choose to make an activity Strictly Assessment, Strictly Learning, or Choose by Activity.
As an example, we will use Assignments. If the Strictly Learning option next to Assignments is checked inside the Activity Settings panel, you cannot choose the option of changing this from Step 2 of creating or editing an activity.
If you try to select Assessment in Step 2, the Gear icon will flash; indicating that you must go back to the Activities Settings panel to change the settings for Assignments.
It is the same if you select the Strictly Assessment option. You cannot change this from Step 2 while creating or editing an activity.
If you select the "Choose by Activity" option:
We will use Assignments in this example. If you select the Choose by Activity option in the Activity Settings panel, you will now be able to choose freely between Assessment or Learning in Step 2 of creating or editing an activity (assignment type, as shown in the example).
If you have set the default of an activity type to Choose Individually, you will see either (Assessment) or (Learning) next to that activity type in the right panel.
Note: You will only see (Assessment) and (Learning) by the activities if you have a type that has both created. In the example below, you can see the Assignments contain both.
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