Also answers:
- Is there a Moodle integration for Coursetune?
Who can do this? To set up the integration, you must be an admin in both Coursetune and Moodle. After integration is set up, a Moodle user with the teacher role can add the Coursetune Graph Tool to their Moodle course.
Note: There are two integrations available.
- The Coursetune Graph Tool (install globally and then in any Moodle course where it's needed)
- The Coursetune Plugin for the Moodle TinyMC Editor (installs globally)
Here we will help you integrate the Coursetune Graph Tool with Moodle.
How to Install the Coursetune LTI for the Graph Tool:
A. (1) Begin in Moodle and navigate to “Site administration”
(2) Select the “Plugins” tab
(3) Choose “Manage tools”
B. In the “Manage Tools” panel, choose “Configure a tool manually”.
C. In “External tool configuration” in the "Tool name" field, name this tool "Coursetune Graph Tool".
D. You will be copying four things from the Coursetune “Moodle Integration” page in Coursetune to the Moodle “External Tool Configuration” page. Click on “Show more …” directly above “Services” ” to see the Secure icon URL panel.
(1) Tool URL
(2) Consumer key
(3) Shared secret
(4) Icon URL
In Coursetune, navigate to "Integrations" via the hamburger button in the top bar.
Click on "Moodle Integration". Copy the Tool URL, Consumer key. Shared secret and Secure icon URL and paste into their respective fields in the Moodle “External Tool Configuration” page.
E. (1) In the same Moodle “External tool configuration” page, go to "Tool configuration usage" and select "Show in activity chooser and as a preconfigured tool"
(2) In “Default launch container”, select "Embed"
F. Save the changes. "Coursetune Graph Tool" will now appear under the tools.
Install the Coursetune Graph Tool in a Course
NOTE: Any Moodle user with the teacher role can perform these steps. But admins may wish to test this in a course first.
A. To add the Coursetune Graph Tool to a course, navigate to the desired Moodle course and turn on editing for the course.
B. Choose "Add an activity or resource" and then choose "Coursetune Graph Tool" from the left side panel.
NOTE: If you don't see the Coursetune Graph Tool in the left panel of the "Add an activity or resource" panel, go back to Step E. of installing the Coursetune Graph Tool and double-check your settings.
C. For the Activity Name, call it “Coursetune Graph”. Then click “Save and Return to Course” at the bottom.
D. Using the edit menu to the far right of the new “Coursetune Graph” activity, choose "Hide" so that this tool does not show up to students (they will get an error message since they do not have Coursetune accounts).
E. Now when you click on the Coursetune Graph icon, Coursetune will launch and you’ll be able to link a course from your Coursetune account to this Moodle course. You will only have to do this once, Moodle and Coursetune will remember the relationship after that.
Now, faculty and staff will be able to access Coursetune. They can link their Moodle course to their Coursetune level-4 object (course), edit their Coursetune level-4 object while in Moodle, and extract elements from Coursetune into their Moodle course.
Here are some instructor-facing directions to share:
- How do role permissions work in Moodle with Coursetune?
- What can I do with Coursetune in Moodle?
- How do I add the Coursetune Graph Tool to my Moodle course?
- How do I link or unlink my Moodle course to my Coursetune level-4 object (course)?
- What learning elements can be extracted from Coursetune and inserted into Moodle?
- What if a student clicks on "Coursetune" in Moodle?
- What if a faculty member without Coursetune permissions clicks on Coursetune in Moodle?
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