Also answers:
- How do I upload a Coursetune course into Moodle?
Who can do this? Editors and managers in Coursetune with appropriate rights to programs (level-3 folders) and/or courses (level-4 objects), and admins.
You must also be an admin in Moodle.
First, you need to make sure that all of the required ID fields in the Coursetune course are filled out:
- Course (Level-4 object) ID
- C-layer IDs
- LO IDs
You may have LO details, if you wish, and they do not require IDs.
Step 1: Begin by navigating to the desired Coursetune course (level-4 object). You will need to check your Course ID, C-layer IDs, and LO IDs to make sure they are completely filled out.
Step 2: Next, select the Reports icon in the right panel, and click Export Moodle competency framework.
Note: If you do not have all of the required ID fields filled out, you will receive this notification.
Once you have saved your export, navigate to your Moodle account, and go to Site administration.
From the Site administration page in Moodle, under Competencies, select Import competency framework.
Drag and drop the exported Coursetune course into the CVS framework description file field in Moodle and click Import. Click Continue to see the newly imported course.
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