Tuning is the in-context collaboration feature that allows teams to add and track suggestions on specific areas of the curriculum.
Check out this Faculty e-Commons Overview video.
Turn on Tuning
Start leaving messages for your course design team!
On any Catalyst page, click on the Tuning icon in the top right. The Tuning Panel will appear. Any suggestions on the page will be shown, ordered from most recent to oldest.
Add a Suggestion
Like comments in Microsoft Word or Google docs, Tuning suggestions can be added to specific locations.
Click the plus sign in the lower right corner of the Tuning Panel to add a new suggestion. Then, click on the Tuning + icon to add a suggestion in that location. Most pages allow suggestions to the left of the page heading and, within a module, to the left of any LO, Learn, Discuss, or Assess item.
Find Suggestions
The Tuning indicator is a chat bubble, and a red dot indicates an unread suggestion.
Read Suggestions
Clicking on any item from left navigation, page content, or Course Map will navigate to the correct location and open the Tuning Reading Panel to show the suggestion(s).
The gif shows opening a suggestion in Course Map > Module 3 > Assess, then a suggestion from Assistance, and finally clicking to the left of the course title to view all the suggestions. |
Adjust Your View
Need to move the Tuning panel and widen it?
Click and drag the Tuning panel. Then, use the grip handle in the lower right corner to make the panel wider and taller.
Keep the conversation going! Reply to your colleague’s suggestions.
Click on the reply total or anywhere in the suggestion text. | Type your reply in the box at the bottom of the Tuning Panel, and click the send icon to post. |
Mark Ready for Review
Let your team know you’ve taken their advice. The Ready for Review flag indicates that the suggestion has been implemented and signals that a team leader can verify the update.
Click on the flag in the bottom left of the reply box and select Ready for review from the menu. | The dark blue Ready for review banner appears above the most recent reply. |
Mark Reviewed
Check it off! Once you’ve reviewed the update and agree the work is done, mark the suggestion as “Reviewed” so that everyone will know that no further action is needed.
Click on the flag in the bottom left of the reply box and select Reviewed from the menu. | The dark blue Reviewed banner appears above the most recent reply, and the Ready for review banner turns white. |
Undo the Flag
Oops! Did you set the flag for “Ready for Review” or “Reviewed” by mistake? No worries! Click on the banner to remove the flag.
Sure that no one needs to see the suggestion any more? Archive it! By default, archived suggestions have no Tuning chat bubble indicator and are not shown in the list of suggestions for the Course in the Tuning Reading Panel.
You can always access archived suggestions in the Course Tuning Report, or, in Tuning Settings, select the Archived status to view them in the Tuning Reading Panel.
Click on the flag in the bottom left of the reply box and select Archive from the menu. | Choose whether the suggestion is cancelled or completed, and add an explanation as needed. |
See More Suggestions
From any group of suggestions, click on the breadcrumb link to expand the list. For example, the screenshot below shows all the suggestions on LOs for Module 1. When M1 is clicked, all the suggestions for Module 1 pages (LOs, Intro, Learn, Discuss, Assess, Summary) will be visible. Similarly, when Course is clicked, all the suggestions in the course will appear in the list.
Need to find a suggestion fast? Search by keyword or by name.
The search is limited to the words typed in suggestions and replies. For instance, the search “@torie” will find suggestions where Torie was tagged by another team member; it will not find all the suggestions Torie posted. Similarly, the search “objective” will not find all the suggestions attached to objectives; instead, it will only find suggestions that include the word “objective” or “objectives.”
Change the list of suggestions by clicking on the Settings wheel.
- Density: Choose to display each suggestion as relaxed (3 lines) or compact (1 line).
- Sort: Opt for newest to oldest or group by location, tailoring display preferences.
- Filter by status: Focus on specific statuses, such as In Progress suggestions, by adjusting filters.
- Filter by location: Fine-tune the display by selecting desired areas, like Bundles and C-layers.
- Filter by flag: Check the box to view only suggestions with the specific flag.
PRO TIP: Don’t see the suggestions you expected? Check the Tuning Settings. You may have a filter that is limiting the suggestions shown in the Tuning Reading Panel.
Want to view the full list of suggestions in a separate document? Go to Coursetune and, from Reports, select the Course Tuning Report (learn how).
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