Also answers:
- How do I add, edit, reorder, and delete LOs in Catalyst?
This is the first opportunity for adding learning objectives. The LOs category foregrounds the learning objectives for each module. Each specific, measurable learning outcome is paired with one course learning objective.
Module Navigation
In this category, a new left vertical navigation lists each module.
- A broken link indicator means that one or more of the learning objectives is not linked with one or more of the course learning objectives.
- A check mark means that each learning objective is linked with one or more course learning objectives.
- A blank space means that no learning objectives have been created.
Advice for Writing LOs
Advice for writing learning objectives is available in the italicized, collapsible paragraph.
The ( ? ) icon in the top left provides additional guidance, including a link to AP’s own documentation.
Adding LOs
1. Click on the (+ LO) button in the top right corner of Learning Objectives category.
In the window that opens, write the learning objective in the box (max characters: 256).
2. Select the course learning objective by clicking on it. The broken link icon will remain until the learning objective is linked to one course learning objective. Unselect the course learning objective by clicking on it a second time; the broken link icon will show again until another course learning objective is selected.
3. Click OK to save.
Editing LOs
To edit an LO, you can edit the LO text by itself, or edit LO text, and choose to link to a different CLO.
1. To edit only the LO text, click into the box to type the learning objective.
2. To edit text, and link to a different CLO, click on the LO-CLO pair to open the window. In the window, click on the box to type the learning objective, and click on the course learning objective to link it.
Ordering LOs
To change the order of the LOs, use the hamburger menu on the right of the learning objective to Move Up or Move Down.
Deleting LOs
To delete an LO, use the hamburger menu on the right of the learning objective and select Delete.
Confirm the deletion by clicking “Delete” in the window. Or, cancel to keep the LO.
You will see a pop-up with congratulatory confetti after clicking “Next” on 3. Learning Objectives if you have:
- Created at least one course learning objective
- Created at least one topic
- Matched all created topics to modules
- Created at least one learning objective for a module
- AND linked all learning objectives to course learning objectives
NOTE: Currently, faculty are not prevented from having a learning objective unlinked from a course learning objective when they click “Next.” While working with existing courses, we found that some module learning objectives are necessary for activities, though they are not tied to course learning objectives. Since faculty may not be able to change course learning objectives set by their program, division, or institution, we have allowed unlinked learning objectives. However, faculty will only get confetti if all LOs link to CLOs.
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