Also answers:
- How do I add an assessment in Catalyst?
- How do I edit an assessment in Catalyst?
- How do I order and assessment in Catalyst?
The Assess category allows faculty to create one or more assessments.
Advice for Writing
Advice for writing is available in the italicized, collapsible paragraph.
The ( ? ) icon in the top right corner of the category button provides additional guidance, including a link to AP’s own documentation.
Automatically Added Assessment Deadlines
When the Catalyst exports to LMS, the following statement will be added automatically to each assessment description:
Instructions: Insert rationale, set-up, background, or general instructions for this assignment. Complete and submit the assignment by (Data item 6 23:59 CST Sunday)
The data items are set in Common Elements under Weekly Cadence.
Because this information will be automatically added on the export to the LMS, please do not add deadline information to the Assessment description in Course Map.
Adding an Assessment
Adding a Assessment involves nine steps:
- Click on the + Assess button in the top right of the Course Map.
- In the window that opens, click on the pre-filled “Add Title” field to change the title (max characters: 256). Click the checkmark to save.
- In the same window, click on one or more of the learning objectives to indicate which ones are linked to this activity.
- Click OK to save the title and linked LOs. The window will close automatically, and the expanded view of the activity will be displayed.
5. Type or paste the activity description (max characters: 2048). The description autosaves.
6. Choose whether the discussion is a collaboration among groups or class-wide.
7. Select the assessment type. This setting is used to group activities in Coursetune reports. (Learn more about Coursetune reports.)
8. Add points by typing a number (max: 4 digits such as 9000). Points autosave.
9. Add time by clicking the button. In the window that opens, use the drop-downs to select 0-99 hours or 0-59 minutes. Click “Save.” The ( ? ) icon in the top right corner of the time-on-task window provides additional guidance, including a link to AP’s own documentation.
Editing an Assessment
- Edit the title by clicking on the title or on the pencil icon. Make the change. Click the checkmark to save.
- Edit the description by clicking the chevron on the left, and changing the text; it is autosaved.
- Edit the linked LOs by clicking the LOs button. In the window, select a different LO. If the LO has a broken link indicator, click on the indicator to select one or more CLOs. Then click “OK” to save.
- Edit the collaboration setting (individual or group) by clicking on the drop-down. It is autosaved.
- Edit the activity type by clicking on the drop-down. It is auto-saved.
- Edit the points for the activity by typing a number. It is auto-saved.
Edit the time on task by clicking the button, using the drop-downs, and clicking “Save.”
Ordering Assessments
Reorder the activities in the Assess category by clicking on the hamburger icon in the top right corner of the activity to Move Up or Move Down.
The order of the activities in the Course Map will match the order of the pages in the LMS.
Note: In Coursetune, all activities in the course are organized alphanumerically within activity type categories. Activities created in the Assess category are their appropriate category in Coursetune. All the activities for the whole course of the same category will appear in alphanumeric order in the Activities panel in Coursetune, and they are “strictly assessment.” (Read more about Activity Settings in Coursetune.)
But what if…
- If a faculty member leaves the Assess category blank, the pages that appear in the LMS depend on the Catalyst Set-up > Export to LMS options.
Preview of LMS Export
Each assessment will export to the LMS separately with the automatically added information about deadlines.
Want to know more about navigating the Course Map in Catalyst? Check out these articles:
- What is the Course Map in Catalyst?
- Navigating the Course Map in Catalyst: Opening a Module or category
- Navigating the Course Map in Catalyst: LOs category
- Navigating the Course Map in Catalyst: Intro category
- Navigating the Course Map in Catalyst: Discuss category
- Navigating the Course Map in Catalyst: Learn category
- Navigating the Course Map in Catalyst: Summary category
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